Friday, November 7, 2008

A Wag to the White House

This weekend, while babysitting, I had a conversation with a fourth grader as to the current news regarding Obama's new dog search. Last Tuesday, her mom let her stay up extra late to wait and see the outcome of the elections and listen to Obama speak; and to no surprise, her favorite part of his speech was when he announced his family would be bringing a new puppy with them to the white house. Now, all I thought about when I heard Obama announce this is how cute of a family the Obamas are-but apparently, what breed they plan on getting has been the topic of much debate-and not just among fourth graders...(Not to imply it hasn't been among the fourth graders-rumor on the streets of Central Elementary is that the Obamas are going for a Basset Hound.)
There's been a lot of talk about what type of dog they're getting and what that might say about the president-elect, which raises a lot of questions in my mind. Why are people making it such a big deal-is this topic much bigger than just what kind of dog he gets? Will the type of dog the Obamas finally decide upon say something as to what kind of president he'll be? Even more so-is there some sort of ideal dog a president should have? After all, I would argue that the kind of dog a person has definitely reflects a lot on their personality-but then again, it's not like there's really a wrong choice, right? (Unless of course it's like Cujo...that probably wouldn't be so good..) Either way-mutt or pure breed, puppy or adult, girl or boy-it will be interesting to see what the family finally decides on.

1 comment:

Jonny S said...

Haha, Rosie, awesome post.

Sad, but true, the media will look for ANYTHING they can get to begin judging, criticizing, and analyzing our new President, Barack Obama. Honestly, who CARES what kind of dog he gets.. The dog BETTER be able to bark the national anthem, or he's screwed.