Thursday, December 11, 2008

Oh Illinois Senators...

I was just watching John Stewart's, "The Daily Show" and saw something as equally disturbing as it was amusing. If Rob Blagojevich goes to jail for his crimes, (which I mean, let's face could he not?) then it is statistically more likely that you will go to jail for becoming an Illinois state governor than murdering someone. Only 48% of murderers go to jail for their crimes; On the other hand, currently-three of the last seven Illinois governors have gone to jail. Rob Blagojevich would be the fourth in the past eight, meaning that 50% of Illinois governors have gone to jail in the past eight terms; If you ask me, those aren't very good odds.
Throughout the whole Balgojevich ordeal, I've really been disgusted with how greedy he's been. I mean, as if trying to sell a senate seat wasn't bad enough, now there's been news of him threatening to cut of state funding to a Children's Hospital if they didn't donate $50,000 to his campaign fund? It's really appalling. He should have studied Thoreau's work a little bit harder in high school. Doesn't he know that life's only real essentials are food, fuel, clothing, and shelter? Hmm, apparently not..

1 comment:

DannyE said...

Yeah, this entire ordeal is very surprising. At first, I didn't believe the the talk about Blago. It is very eerie to know that our representatives are so corrupt, and especially in Illinois. That is a very disappointing statistic that if Blago is sentenced to time in jail, that more than half of our governors have spent time. This is a very interesting time for the U.S government, and I want to see how this will affect Obama's administration.