Sunday, October 19, 2008

Even McCain's Gotta Be Pragmatic

Typically when someone decides to be a presidential candidate, they ideally would like to become president. I mean, that's the hope, right? But with Obama estimated to win by 193 electoral votes (see for yourself-it fluctuates) along with the added dissappointment of a longtime supporter-Colin Powell-announcing his support for Obama, McCain seems to be facing reality, realizing there's a good chance he may not win this presidential race. This being the case, it is important that he not continue to bash Obama. In a recent meeting, McCain tried to comfort his strong supporters worried about the prospect of a nation with Obama as president; "I have to tell you he is a decent person and a person that you do not have to be scared of as president of the United States," McCain remarked. While the senator remarked that he's still motivated and cares about the election as much as his voters do, pragmatically, it makes sense that he try and warm his supporters up to idea of Obama as president at least a little bit. After all, they don't have to love him, but regardless of whether they like it or not-if Obama does win-he's going to be their president.

1 comment:

Ian_F said...

I too agree that McCain has to be pragmatic, but still focus on his campaign. When everythings said and done, and things turn out the way all the polls suggest, I can see McCain being a good sport about it and offering his full support. His running mate, on the other hand, could be troublesome. As Palin represents many of the far-right republicans, she could very easily stir up her followers when she is released from the leash of McCain. I see John as a very respectable man while disliking him at the same time, and if things continue on the same course and the outcome becomes clear to republicans, I dont think Johns the one we should be worrying about